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CS3016/02. Program graph theory reductions among clique, vertex cover, and independent set problems.

 Published: 4 hours read

To understand and implement polynomial-time reductions among the Clique, Vertex Cover, and Independent Set problems, which are fundamental in computational complexity and NP-completeness.

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Graph theory plays a crucial role in computer science, particularly in optimization and computational complexity. Three well-known NP-complete problems in graph theory are:

  1. Clique Problem: Finding the largest complete subgraph (clique) in a given graph.
  2. Vertex Cover Problem: Finding the smallest set of vertices that covers all edges.
  3. Independent Set Problem: Finding the largest set of mutually non-adjacent vertices.

These problems are interrelated, and polynomial-time reductions among them help demonstrate their computational hardness. Understanding these reductions is essential in complexity theory and real-world applications such as network security and bioinformatics.

Reductions Among Problems

  1. Clique to Independent Set Reduction
    • Given a graph ( G = (V, E) ), the complement graph ( \bar{G} ) is constructed.
    • A k-clique in ( G ) corresponds to a k-independent set in ( \bar{G} ).
  2. Independent Set to Vertex Cover Reduction
    • Given a graph ( G = (V, E) ), a set ( S \subseteq V ) is independent if and only if ( V - S ) is a vertex cover.
    • Finding the largest independent set is equivalent to finding the smallest vertex cover.
  3. Vertex Cover to Clique Reduction
    • Given a graph ( G = (V, E) ), the complement graph ( \bar{G} ) is considered.
    • A k-vertex cover in ( G ) corresponds to a |V| - k clique in ( \bar{G} ).

Algorithm Implementations

1. Constructing Graph Complement

import networkx as nx

def graph_complement(graph):
    return nx.complement(graph)

2. Clique to Independent Set Reduction

def clique_to_independent_set(graph, k):
    complement_graph = graph_complement(graph)
    return nx.algorithms.approximation.maximum_independent_set(complement_graph)

3. Independent Set to Vertex Cover Reduction

def independent_set_to_vertex_cover(graph, independent_set):
    return set(graph.nodes) - set(independent_set)

4. Vertex Cover to Clique Reduction

def vertex_cover_to_clique(graph, vertex_cover):
    complement_graph = graph_complement(graph)
    return set(complement_graph.nodes) - set(vertex_cover)

Example Usage

G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(6, 0.5)  # Generate a random graph
independent_set = clique_to_independent_set(G, 3)
vertex_cover = independent_set_to_vertex_cover(G, independent_set)
clique = vertex_cover_to_clique(G, vertex_cover)
print("Independent Set:", independent_set)
print("Vertex Cover:", vertex_cover)
print("Clique:", clique)

Time and Space Complexity Analysis

ReductionTime Complexity
Graph Complement Construction\(O(V^2)\)
Clique to Independent Set\(O(V^2)\)
Independent Set to Vertex Cover\(O(V)\)
Vertex Cover to Clique\(O(V)\)


  1. Network Security: Identifying crucial network nodes.
  2. Social Networks: Finding tightly connected groups (Cliques).
  3. Computational Biology: Protein interaction networks.
  4. Scheduling Problems: Assigning tasks without conflicts.


Polynomial-time reductions among Clique, Vertex Cover, and Independent Set demonstrate their computational equivalence and NP-completeness. Understanding these reductions is vital for algorithm design and complexity analysis.


  1. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C.
    Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd/4th Edition, MIT Press.
  1. (Warm-Up) Implement divide-and-conquer algorithms for binary search, merge sort, and quick sort.

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CS3016/01. Implement divide-and-conquer algorithms for binary search, merge sort, and quick sort.
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